Media Contact

Veronica Lorson Fowler, Communications Director

September 17, 2024

The following statement can be attributed to ACLU of Iowa Executive Director Mark Stringer.

"The Des Moines City Council has now criminalized the status of being homeless. As of today, it is a crime in the City of Des Moines simply to fall asleep in public. Shame on the council members who made this bad idea a painful reality for some of our most vulnerable residents. This ordinance makes our problem of homelessness in Des Moines worse, not better.

"To add insult to this abuse of power, the City Council from the beginning has ignored its obligation to be transparent and responsive to the concerns about this ordinance. That continued last night with the council enacting this ordinance without even letting the public speak about it at the meeting.

"We are grateful for the many people who have worked countless hours to actually help—rather than punish—people who are in need of housing. We also appreciate the city council members who voted against this cruel measure and for the work of other elected officials who rightfully opposed it."