One critical way we advance civil liberties in Iowa is through our work with the Iowa Legislature. We spend a significant amount of time each year engaged in the legislative process to support bills that strengthen our constitutional rights and defeat bills that threaten them.

When the Iowa Legislature is in session January through April or May, our team is at the statehouse, attending and speaking at subcommittee and committee meetings and working directly with legislators and government officials.

To see the ACLU of Iowa’s position on a particular bill:

Go to the Iowa Legislature's web page for a listing of how the ACLU of Iowa has declared its positions on a single bill or all bills. (Type “ACLU” in the “Client Name” box.)

Iowa Legislative Voting Records

The ACLU of Iowa compiles the voting records of Iowa legislators on key civil liberties issues for each Iowa Legislative General Assembly, which lasts two years. Click here to see them.

Sign Up for the ACLU of Iowa Action Team

The ACLU of Iowa is looking for passionate civil liberties and civil rights advocates to join our Action Team! By joining the ACLU of Iowa Action Team, you are joining a group of ACLU advocates and supporters across the state dedicated to protecting the basic freedoms and liberties of everyone in Iowa.

Action Team members receive timely alerts on opportunities to take action at the state and local level, invitations to ACLU of Iowa events, notice of advocacy opportunities like phone banking and tabling, etc. Click here to join the team!